

Each and every Anderson Guitar features our original Stainless Steel frets—and they are so Good…to play and to hear!

Anderson_Fret Sizes update test.png

( Note: Medium-Jumbo formerly known as Low-Rise, and Tall-Thin formerly known as Medium)


Why Stainless Steel frets?

The playing difference of Stainless Steel frets is astronomically good.  It is as though we secretly polish your frets for you every night while you sleep—always slick, fast and easy, every time you take it out of the case.

The result of the stainless steel fret that we use (not to be confused with some others) is silky smooth string bends and liquid smooth vibrato. To play them is to feel like your technique and touch have improved. (Not kidding about that.) 

After being tested and tested again and retested on 15,000 (plus) guitars.  Love them.  We have been using them on all of our guitars since 2002.  

Sonically they are so similar to nickel-silver frets that our official position is that there is no discernible difference in tone.  But…when listening super-carefully in a controlled environment where a change in fret material is the only variable present, some players have noted that Stainless Steel frets can sound a bit more stout and full than the nickel-silver frets they replaced—as if a bit more string sound is transmitted deeper into the wood. 

Your experience will certainly be elevated playability with every ounce of wonderful tone at your fingertips.