It's Anderson Fever
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It's Anderson Fever—and James Has It.
Okay, no worries now, James is fine, very fine. Anderson Fever is a healing fever.
But then isn’t everything we encounter actually a call for healing and wholeness—for reaching up with gentleness?
However, Anderson fever is not without serious symptoms.
Take James for instance…
Wait just one minute here...And who is James (when he is not at home)?
Well, James is one of the superlative “guys" at Spacetone Music in San Antonio, Texas—a premier Anderson dealer and a joyous place to be. Yes, James is now qualified to be an Anderson Sherpa guide.
As the guitar tale goes: Hanging on the Spacetone wall, hiding right there in plain sight, James got to experience Anderson instruments up close and in person. James quickly became thoroughly rapped up and enraptured by there magnificent playing prowess and broad, dynamic tonal character.
Now, nothing else will do.
So what did James do about it? What would you do?
James, of course, ordered his very own “dream” Top T Classic, specced out just the way he wanted it and in a color none other than the outspoken shade of, Maui Kazowie. He loves that color—and many of you share his preference.
When it was finally complete and manifesting Anderson-magnificence in all its Maui Kazowie, Top T Classic glory, we scheduled a stop-off at the Anderson photo studio for a few portrait shots.
Once the photos were complete, we offered to share them with James if he promised not to post them until we can get them up on our site, as well—a kind of fun, coordinated picture posting thing.
He promised...
But then a day later...Anderson fever hit, and hit hard.
It is almost like his temperature was rising
And his “juke box” had blown a fuse
In a fit of Anderson fever, he wrote this:
“Just got it. WOW!!!! I’m blown away. This is the first guitar I’ve ever specced out for myself. Something special when you see the finished product and it’s way more than what you imagined. I know you wanted me to hold off from posting but I can’t. I gotta share this beautiful masterpiece with my musician friends and family. A lot of them knew I was getting it today. Thanks to you, Rachel and the crew for making this happen. And for all the other great guitars you guys make. Very proud to say my name is James Garza w/Spacetone Music and the Bret Mullins Band and I play Tom Anderson Guitars!!!”
At this point we knew, Anderson fever had overcome all reason. So understandable.
But, we now also knew we were in a full-blown emergency situation. We picked up the “red” phone and dialed.
Editor’s note: The “red” phone isn’t actually red, red but more of a Cajun Red to Dark Red Burst, but that is a whole other story for another time.
The Anderson Internet Emergency Task Force was immediately called to action. All-Stop orders were issued for the current and upcoming Guitar Tales posts as our Crack Anderson Creative Team set forth to infuse the Anderson website with an all-new Guitar Tales based around a Top T Classic, in Maui Kazowie.
With Anderson fever at maximum force, we knew we had our work cut out for us.
Your reading is proof positive of Mission Accomplished! Anderson Fever Artist Internet Crisis Averted.
MODEL: – Top T Classic
SCALE LENGTH: – 24 3/4-inch—shorty
BODY WOOD: – Flame Maple Top on Alder
FINISH: – Maui Kazowie
NECK WOOD: – Chocolate Maple
HEADSTOCK COLOR: – Natural Gloss
NECK BACK FINISH: – Natural Satin
NECK BACKSHAPE: – 62 Pete (60’s Vibe -.020)
NUT WIDTH: – 1 11/16-inch
FRETS: – Jumbo—Exclusive Anderson Stainless Steel
BRIDGE: – Vintage Tremolo—Exclusive Anderson
TUNING GEAR: – Locking—Exclusive Anderson
NECK PICKUP: – SC1 - with Coffee Dipped Cover
MIDDLE PICKUP: – SC1 - with Coffee Dipped Cover
SWITCHING: – 5-Way Add Bridge
PU RINGS & SWITCH TIP: – No rings, Black Tip
STRING GAUGE REQUESTED: – .010-.046 Elixir® with NANOWEB® Coating
DESTINATION/LOCATION: – Spacetone Music, San Antonio, Texas