A New Puppy
|Eddie Thought They Were Getting A New Puppy
If the story is accurate, he was gleefully screaming, “We are getting a puppy, we are getting a puppy.”
Understandable, since it said on the invoice that a Mongrel was coming from Anderson Guitarworks.
Everyone was so darn excited that they all ran out to the curb to wait for the scheduled delivery truck to pull up to the doors of Sound Pure, in Durham, North Carolina.
Some say Eddie was actually jumping up and down in anticipation.
It was Jake, Charles and Zak who first chimed in, “You know Eddie…there may not be an actual puppy on the truck because Mongrel is the name of one of Anderson Guitarworks superb guitar models.”
“The word Mongrel means mix or mutt—mixed breed—usually a dog, yes, but metaphorically it could mean anything that is a mix of genres.”
“In the case of an Anderson, Mongrel is the friendly mix of a T-shaped body topped with an S-shaped pickguard, for that super-cool, one-of-a-kind look. This model originated from them in 1985. They’ve had a lot of practice making these awesomely excellent guitars.”
“The only other thing that makes you as happy as a puppy.”
There was dead silence and a momentary blank stare before Eddie smilingly replied, “I knew that…knew it all along.”
“Why do you think we are out here standing on the sidewalk? I can’t wait to play this new Anderson Mongrel electric guitar. Its color is Translucent Blonde Dark Grain with an In-Distress, Level 1 finish treatment—for that played-in look that is not too worn.”
“The T-style body is complemented with a Tortoise Shell, S-style pickguard, loaded with an SSH pickup array of SC1, SC1, HC1+—all controlled by a traditional 5-Way setup that will allow for 7, fast and furious, pickup combinations, with just a touch.”
“I know this because…I ordered it for the store, and I have been excitedly waiting ever since.”
Just then the truck rounded the corner and came into view. Everyone at curbside broke out into uproarious, spontaneous applause. Someone even released a variety of colorful balloons that rose skyward. It was an emotional moment of embarrassing Anderson jubilation. But hey…they just couldn't help themselves. Who could blame them!? It was such a joyous time to celebrate the arrival of a Mongrel.
Yes, they got their “puppy,” and it’s the world’s best playing and sounding electric guitar.