Your Guardian Angel Player
|When You’re Playing Around With Your Guardian Angel Player
Some may ask, Pink?
But anyone who knows, knows that no one who actually knows of Shell Pink would certainly know enough not to say no to it. Know what we mean?
And why is that? Well, here are a few good and powerfully pink perspectives to answer that question.
• Shell Pink is the “new black”—a wildly popular color now. One of the most popular vintage colors of all time.
• Pink is simply light red and red is a very dominantly strong color.
• It is generally considered that pastries taste better in pink boxes.
• In Japan, Pink is considered masculine. The pink blossoms of the cherry tree are said to represent the souls of fallen samurai.
• are putting it out there on an Anderson Guardian Angel Player. Talk about pure power and performance, this guitar is that.
So, for profound playing excellence, fantastic tone, 24 frets of buttery flying fingers and a paint that will properly punctuate your playing performances—look no further because you have arrived at Shell Pink.