It Just Naturally Follows…
|It Just Naturally Follows…
That after we showed you Super Natural Black in Guitar Tales from November 12. 2020, that there very well could be some other supernatural somethings hiding in the hued and hallowed halls of Anderson Guitarworks paint and finishing division.
We had to find out.
Don’t tell this to anyone but, one recent moonless evening, dressed in an all-black Anderson shirt and pants, we silently repelled from the skylight to the floor of the Anderson Guitarworks paint room. There we witnessed irrefutable evidence of Super Natural experimentation—natural colors were strewn everywhere.
So suspicious.
Avoiding the calibrated laser alarm systems by executing ninja-like gymnastics over and around the beams, and bringing the guard dogs yummy dog-treats, we made our way into the Final Assembly room and there before us it stood, under the lights. I grabbed my camera and the rest will be history:
Exploding from the top of this pickguard-clad Top T Classic is the debut of Super Natural Deep Ocean Blue.
Your T- tones will clearly take center stage from this day forth as Top T Classic dominates both sonically and visually—not to even mention its ridiculously-fabulous playability—which makes each and everything you touch easier and faster...and so much more fun.
It’s like it’s Supernatural—in every way.
Now this first-ever Top T Classic, in Super Natural Deep Ocean Blue, is playfully hiding in plain sight at Lark Guitars in San Antonio, Texas, under the watchful eye of Clint, Albert and Ben, but don’t let them know we tipped you off.