Do Not Hide In The Bushes
And pop out of the shrubbery singing and shredding with your gorgeous guitar.
Perhaps not the best idea—unless you know your audience well and are completely sure that they would like you to do something that…"unique.”
Although you definitely could debut your original songs this way because of the natural camouflaging characteristics of this new and gorgeous color: Transparent Dark Olive.
From what we know, Michael may have seen a rendition of the genesis of this new Dark Olive color on a Cobra that was featured in our older periodical “Guitar of the Week” on the Anderson website in 2000. That longstanding feature transitioned into Guitar Tales—which you are now reading. Fun stuff.
So however it happened, Michael was inspired to have and to play a brand new Angel 7 finished in Transparent Dark Olive. He requested this deep and rich green shade and we agreed—as we had been thinking along the same Dark Olive lines for some time.
What a fantastic choice Michael made.
You should check him out. It is completely obvious that he does not need to resort to jumping out from behind the bushes—camouflaged or not—to amaze his family, friends and audiences with his playing. He is already very impressive—with or without being shrouded in shrubbery.
So can we please just forget that someone collaborating on this article happened to accidentally mentioned shrubbery and bushes and such? It really has nothing whatsoever to do with this gorgeous Transparent Dark Olive Angel 7 and Michael’s amazing playing.
Thank you Michael.