Every Snowflake Is Unique


Every Snowflake Is Unique

Since most of us were in elementary school we have heard it said that every snowflake is unique—there is not one that is exactly like another.

Always forming and re-forming into unique and varying patterns, it is a glimpse into creation’s unlimited diversity and multiplicity. The infinite organizing power of Nature is an astounding phenomenon to behold. And it is the same with all natural objects—no exceptions.


Yes, wood from which guitars are made. 

Although wood’s tonality is clearly “sonically species specific”—meaning: mahogany always sounds like mahogany, alder always has its alder character and swamp ash always does its midrange scoop, etc.  

But visually, each and every piece manifests its own distinctive grain pattern figuring. And upon close inspection you may realized that each guitar is a living individual in its own right—one that can become your good friend. 

Not only is the wood grain unique but also the way each and every wonderfully selected piece absorbs its chosen stain color. 

Let’s look at this Cobra T, finished in a gorgeous Abalone to Deep Ocean Blue Burst.  The Abalone stain is made up of a bouquet of varying shades and components, and depending on the porosity of the wood, it will emphasize differing hues with differing intensity—the same way the inside of a real abalone shell captures and refracts light.

 Within the shimmering grayish center are hues of purple and blues—this one emphasizing a bit more of the purples—all counterbalanced by the depth of Deep Ocean Blue encircling its center—a burst finish. 

Yes, it is another one-of-a kind Cobra T from the mind of Infinite Creation and Anderson Guitarworks.

