It’s Picture Day


Like when we were in school—sort of. Parent helps us comb our hair and dress a little bit nicer as we try and not mess it all up before it’s our turn to present ourselves before the picture person at school.

Picture day at Anderson Guitarworks. Time for a new photo of everyone. Too “old” for parental grooming assistance? Probably. So it is up to us now.

Raven: Candy Apple Orange with a Custom Black Racing Stripe. Wow! Yes!

During its photo session the day before, this Raven had made such an impression that I was impelled to grab onto it for one more go. Something stunning and “charged” for the picture. Hoping it would improve my look and make my mother proud. Hey, they wouldn’t let us use guitars during picture day at school. Maybe they should have. Maybe I’m still a bit traumatized about all of that.

So now was the opportunity to make up for it all. Raven, Candy Apple Orange, it even looks great first thing in the morning.

And of course it plays even better—which is the secret of all Anderson Guitars. They are first and foremost, performance instruments. Each and every guitar with everything maximized for the best possible playing and sonic experience. Nothing held back. So, so good!

Quick, take the picture and it’s back to “class.” A memory made that will live in our “yearbooks” forever.

A sonically well-balanced Alder body is home to twin HC-Series pickups sequestered within its Black Pickguard—complementing its custom Black Racing Stripe.

HC-Series humbuckers are super musical units that ramp up through your favorite gain stages to saturate and emote beautifully. But when asked to step down, you can immediately hear the richness that is their intrinsic nature. It is this asset that also makes them sing lushly in single coil mode. All in all, 8 easily wonderful and supreme tones from its twin pickup layout.

And, did you notice how the Black Headstock further creates a connection to the Black counterbalanced theme that began at the Pickguard, as the Orange Logo lights it up all over again? So stunning.

Strap in. Quick, no one is looking, check the mirror. Ah, you look good. Take the shot. Off to the gig.