Tale Of Teal…WakeSurf


And yes, WakeSurf finishes do have a tale to tell and a tail of sorts.

For its tail, it is the trail of lighter color V-ing off from behind the bridge. To us, very reminiscent of the churning wake behind a ski boat when someone rides the surf of a power boat’s wake. Gorgeous and fun. Hence the name for this paint scheme.

We originally began the tale of WakeSurf with the colors of Blue and Fire. Then came the special request from the man himself. We affectionately sometimes call him “The Man of Teal,” because of his appreciation for the hue.

He was the first to request WakeSurf to appear in assorted shades of teal. We could see the appeal and so agreed.

At first, we did it only as a special teal one-off. But once it appeared, this created a giant stir. Sometime later, we introduced it as one of the color offerings in our WakeSurf collection. It is now available and commemorated here with twin 40th anniversary Angels, both appearing in Teal WakeSurf, appointed as Jason Kui would spec them. Yes, he is “The Man of Teal.”

Thank you, Jason, for being a person of such good teal taste. We appreciate you very much. And so to honor him, pa rum pum pum pum…

He is pictured here in a special photo session with these twin Teal beauties.

Short Angel quiz:

Why is there no 24th fret marker on the front of the fingerboard?

Short answer:

Shorty….Li’l Angel.

Li’l Angels are short-scale Angels, and there is not enough room between the 23rd & 24th frets for the markers that appear on the rest of the neck. The full-scale Angel does not share this characteristic. So that is how you can quickly tell which scale length Angel you are looking at—no matter whether it is displaying the standard double dots or anniversary oval fret markers.

Li’l Angel 10-21-24N is headed to Westcoast Guitar in Vancouver, Canada, while 11-06-24N can be found frolicking at Matt’s Music in Weymouth, Massachusetts.

It’s the fantastic end-of-year finale of our 40th Anniversary Anderson Guitarworks celebration. Thank you all. Much like the ending of a spectacular fireworks show, where they blast a blazing array into the sky in rapid succession, we will be displaying  our own blazing array of the most spectacular Anniversary Andes EVER!!  Check back frequently during these days.

We are delighted to have you with us.