Without Her


There was an emptiness, a void, we could not avoid.

Without her our hearts were breaking.

Without her, it certainly will not be the same.

And without her, we must go on.

But without her…we are gratefully filled with appreciation for her presence in our lives and for the time and experiences we did share.

Because, without her…

There certainly would have been no Anderson Guitarworks.

But because of her, we are happy and able to share this wonderful moment with you, and all future moments to come.

Laurie Berg, We Love You!

In 1988 she agreed to help Tom organize and streamline the functioning of the business. She was only to stay for 6 months. Apparently enchanted by the whole Anderson Guitarworks experience, and because she was so darn good at everything, she became Tom’s trusted partner and stayed…for 28 years…the rest of her life. Laurie was an indispensable part of making Anderson Guitarworks thrive and flow in so many ways.

These two Pro Am guitars, finished in Ruby Slippers, pay homage. Replicas of the original Pro Am she surprised us with when she took the stage at an Anderson Guitarworks party, dressed in wild 80’s clothes, Ruby Slippers guitar strapped on—a color she appropriately named.


Even before we officially announced that in celebration of Anderson Guitarworks 40 Year Anniversary, only 40 Limited Edition, 40th Anniversary Guitars will be created. 20 unique builds. A Ruby Slippers Pro Am, in honor of Laurie, was the very first to be scooped up. Didn’t even make it to the website. So loved. The 2nd one we hid and is now headed to Brian’s Guitars in Cheshire, Connecticut.

Here you get to see both guitars side by side.

Our lives touch and intertwine for the highest good to come about. This guitar pays honor to our beloved friend and partner. Peace, Love, Blessings and gorgeous Guitars abound as a result. Thank you Laurie Berg.

Say it with us now. Tap your heels together:

There is no place like home.

There is no place like home.

There is no place like Anderson Guitarworks.